Customer Testimonials

“The guys did great work. It was a big job and a lot of dust in some places. They were very friendly and they cleaned up after themselves. I asked if they also do dryer vent cleaning and they do and were able to add it to the job today.”

– Ivy T.

- Ivy T.

“Ryan came to my home to check on the thermostat. Explained everything in a way that I could understand. Came back out with Dustin the owner of the company. It made me feel that my concern really mattered to them. Great job!”

– elaine m.

- elaine m.

“Kudos to Dustin and Ryan. They both came to my home to find a solution for the thermostat. Came to several resolutions and gave me options. Dustin kept in touch with me which I greatly appreciated. Very through and concerned for my comfort. I highly recommend ACS. They don't disappoint. Very satisfied with the service.
Office staff is very attentive as are the technicians.”

– Elaine M.

- Elaine M.
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Need HVAC Service?

Contact the experts at ACS Air Conditioning Services.

Call us at 520-230-5668!

ACS Air Conditioning Services proudly provides HVAC service to Catalina Foothills, Continental Ranch, Dove Mountain, Green Valley, Marana, Mount Lemmon, Oro Valley, Picacho, Red Rock, Rillito, Sahuarita, Tucson, Vail, and the surrounding communities. Visit our service area page for more coverage details, call us at 520-230-5668, or request service online today.