Customer Testimonials

“Went above and beyond to make sure are Lobby a/c unit was repaired and Functioning.
Why isn’t his name on your list?” – Rich E.
- Rich E.

“Kevin had the issue down to two items that caused the coil to freeze Either air flow or Freon. It was restricted air flow from overly dense , restrictive, and costly air filters. Why we were not informed of this danger in the past I do not know. But use cheap thin filters and replace frequently is my advise for a smoothly working ac system !!”

– Joe M.

- Joe M.

“Keven was very good.You can send him to our home next time.”

– Richard B.

- Richard B.

“Excellent service. Informative and detailed description of issue.”

– David G.

- David G.

“Manny was great – answered all questions, very efficient and thorough, friendly and customer oriented. ACS is fortunate to have him.”

– Kay W.

- Kay W.

“Manny was great! Very professional and took the time to explain everything in great detail with the ease of understanding the issues and options.”

– Donna N.

- Donna N.

Need HVAC Service?

Contact the experts at ACS Air Conditioning Services.

Call us at 520-230-5668!

ACS Air Conditioning Services proudly provides HVAC service to Catalina Foothills, Continental Ranch, Dove Mountain, Green Valley, Marana, Mount Lemmon, Oro Valley, Picacho, Red Rock, Rillito, Sahuarita, Tucson, Vail, and the surrounding communities. Visit our service area page for more coverage details, call us at 520-230-5668, or request service online today.