Customer Testimonials

“Dominick had to come back several times to try and diagnose our AC. He was diligent, prompt, and polite every time! We are very grateful for his patience.”

– Amanda P.

- Amanda P.

“Manny is always polite, friendly & knowledgeable!!! Many takes the time to make sure you understand issues and the solutions!!! Hip Hip Hooray for Manny!!!”

– Vikki T.

- Vikki T.

“Dominic provided excellent customer service after hours on short notice. He was friendly, knowledgeable and efficient. I really appreciate the service and reliability.”

– Julie S.

- Julie S.

Need HVAC Service?

Contact the experts at ACS Air Conditioning Services.

Call us at 520-230-5668!

ACS Air Conditioning Services proudly provides HVAC service to Catalina Foothills, Continental Ranch, Dove Mountain, Green Valley, Marana, Mount Lemmon, Oro Valley, Picacho, Red Rock, Rillito, Sahuarita, Tucson, Vail, and the surrounding communities. Visit our service area page for more coverage details, call us at 520-230-5668, or request service online today.