Customer Testimonials

“Manny was fantastic. Such a nice, patient guy. We didn't completely solve the problem, but I wasn't surprised considering the age and rarity of the unit I called about. That being said, he did get it back operational to some extent. He also taught me so much!

Thanks Manny!” – Kevin J.
- Kevin J.

“Friendly and efficient. Took care of the regular maintenance, going beyond the norm by checking something for me while on the roof. Then responded to an item of query regarding an item which was supposed to be replaced. Then he made a suggestion for, and we discussed, further maintenance service (duct and blower cleaning) with a promo discount.”

– Teresa R.

- Teresa R.

“Manny is a wonderful man and excellent technician I'm so proud to have him come out to my home and take care of my unit for my wife and I he's a wonderful friend " God bless him " …”

– Alan K.

- Alan K.

“Dominick Kafader arrived on time, introduced himself and his coworker, and explained his assigned tasks to us. He asked us if we had concerns or questions regarding our HV/AC system. He explained what he would do when he had to enter the house.

Dominick is a personable person. Professional, intelligent. We appreciated his maintenance of our HV/AC system.”

– Mel R.

- Mel R.

Need HVAC Service?

Contact the experts at ACS Air Conditioning Services.

Call us at 520-230-5668!

ACS Air Conditioning Services proudly provides HVAC service to Catalina Foothills, Continental Ranch, Dove Mountain, Green Valley, Marana, Mount Lemmon, Oro Valley, Picacho, Red Rock, Rillito, Sahuarita, Tucson, Vail, and the surrounding communities. Visit our service area page for more coverage details, call us at 520-230-5668, or request service online today.